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The Secret Garden

Ritual Theatre of the Sacred Erotic

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Oct 12-14, 2022 | Toronto, Stockyards

This way to Eden 🏛  🌸 🐚
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This is ritual theatre

An immersive experience unlike any other, ritual theatre takes mythopoetic journeys and makes them real.

A cross between ritual and performance art, the intention is to bring about healing and transformation.


One of the oldest forms of healing and theatre, ritual theatre is unparalleled in its depth and transformative power.

There are two ways to experience this show:



They will be the Hero/Heroine of the story. 

They will be walking the Labyrinth and interacting with the priestesses they encounter within it.

They will be given tasks, challenges, and transmissions from the Goddess.

They will very much be part of this interactive experience.


2. As a VOYEUR 

They will be walking alongside the lead player as they move through the labyrinth.

They will be dressed in all black and masked.

As witnesses, they will receive the codes of what's transpiring before them by being present to it all.

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Come, enter the Goddess Labyrinth.


Leave the sanitized world of rules and division behind. Slide up close to the divine feminine as she unfurls something to stir your soul.

Enter The Secret Garden.


A Ritual Theatre of Sacred

Erotic Energy


Have you ever seen what a woman can do when she is fully empowered? 

When her pleasure is honoured, 

when her desires are safe to be shared, 

when her feminine essence is dignified.


This is a transmission.

These are the codes for human ascension.

We are evolving through play and delight.


Let it open your heart

Let it expand your mind 

Let it drop you down into the core of your power

And connect you to your own erotic energies as they rise up from your depths


This is how we reclaim the innocence of the erotic and harness it for our mutual empowerment.

This is the game everybody wins.

Inside our Growth Chambers,
you will have close encounters with the erotically-charged feminine

that is too delicate and precious for everyday life.

Feel your charge build

Come into more aliveness

Welcome your sexual energy
Connect it to your soul 

Open it to your heart

Let it obliterate your rigid mind

And drop you down into your body

Get comfortable with your power

Experience your aligned presence


Be enlivened by intimacy

This is Adult-Play.


Erotic power held in ritual with intention to be in the sacred together.

You will view the show and be part of a shared experience.
You will face challenge and be asked to engage with what you see.

Respect is paramount.

This is an initiation for the masculine in all of us.

Come with us as we slip into another dimension,
just inside this one, only deeper and more exciting.
Where none of our sexual energy is denied
It’s made sacred through the heart.

This experience is for anyone who:

  • Wants to be up close to feminine power and learn from it

  • Anyone who wants to learn the codes for igniting feminine desire

  • Anyone who wants to sharpen their masculine mastery

  • And witness these ancient energies in their rightful relationship


Come collect the keys

That open the door

To the path

We walk together

Into The Secret Garden

What delights await you?

Walk the Labyrinth to find out.

This is a shared experience of Euphoria. 

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Each night offers a different level of experience in the labyrinth.


Choose your adventure.

Sample Schedule






Your Labyrinth entry time will be given a week before the show.
Small bites & elixirs are available for purchase before and after your experience.

OCT 12

LEVEL 1: Outer Courtyard

PG Rating - Sensual & energetic 

General Admission
Voyeurs | $200
Lead Role | By Tithe*




OCT 13

LEVEL 1: Outer Courtyard

PG Rating - Sensual & Energetic

General Admission
Voyeurs | $200
Lead Role | By Tithe*




OCT 14

LEVEL 2: Inner Garden

Featuring more experienced priestesses.
The initiations will be deeper & more explicit if the energy is right.


General Admission
Voyeurs | $400
Lead Role | By Tithe*




2-NIGHT PACKAGE: Mysterium

LEVEL 1 & 2

For those who want to grow and go deeper together.
Includes entry to one level 1 & level 2 night.

Click here to Purchase


No Phones, No Media, No Voyeurs.

Tribute is 4 Figures
Inquire Here.

this way to EDEN





Creator & CEO

Tamina is the spark. She is here to transmit the vision from an embodied knowing of the power of sacred union. She offers this gift in service to the creation of the Secret Garden and the ensuing institute and will be leading the professional dance training, artistic directing, choreographing and producing the immersive temple rituals.
Tamina has been a professional dancer for 24 years, sharing the stage with Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Ke$ha, American Idol, Glee, So You Think You Can Dance Canada, and more. In 2013, she founded The Girls Club, a distinguished dance academy built to support performers to reclaim their confidence on and off the stage. She brings divine awareness with
ease, joy and play that releases a sense of freedom from within, for all that work with her.


Co-Founder & High Priestess

Amyann is the High Priestess and Lead Initiatrix in the feminine mysteries and sacred sexual rites. She is a lead facilitator and designer of the
training and immersion curricula and a co-creator of the storylines of the immersive temple rituals. She facilitates the inner sanctum ceremonial initiations for Queenmaking, Knighting, and Kingmaking. She supports initiates’ return to original wholeness and unlocking of the *bliss body* - full body pleasure & cosmic orgasmic states.

  • What is Ritual Theatre?
    Ritual theatre can be defined as “the enactment of a myth or archetypal story with the intention of bringing about healing”. Ritual theatre involves taking participants on a journey to experience the different faces and facets of themselves through the mythic adventures of monsters and heroes, gods and goddesses, angels and demons. Ritual theatre is an ancient form of healing which is still practiced today in earth-based and tribal cultures; it is finding a renaissance in the modern world. Ritual theatre allows us to explore parts of the collective unconscious, our psyches, and mythic realms which are difficult to express or explain in conscious terms. Shamanic Priestesses in ancient temples and nature’s sacred groves would don masks and costumes and embody different archetypes, elemental, animal, and cosmic. They would also channel messages from other realms as Oracle. Pilgrims who visited these temples or sites would be brought through transformational initiations with the temple priestesses. Temple dancers have been a part of Goddess temple life through the ages, transmitting the frequencies of Love, Beauty, and the Divine Mother. Their dances themselves were initiatory spiritual activations. In ritual theatre, we enact and embody the heavenly (superconscious realms) as well as the underworld (unconscious realms) and bring them to earth. In this is an inner marriage, a divine re-unification. As above, so below. As below, so above. A coming together of what is holy & divine, with what is physical & human. A reunification of spirit & sex. The world is starved for this. Quoted Source:
  • What is a Labyrinth?
    It is a continuous path with intricate passageways. With one way in and one way out, each Chamber evokes a different realm of the Goddess.
  • What is a Chamber?
    They are rooms you walk through in the Labyrinth. Each room contains a different initiation through immersive experiences where you get to live out your learned wisdom. Apply what you’ve learned, see where you’re at and how you do with challenges within a container crafted for your growth and evolution. It’s a self-affirming experience. As the lead role, you'll be directly experiencing & interacting with the goddesses you meet in the growth chambers. As a voyeur, you'll receive energetic transmissions through your role as a witness.
  • “I’m a high-profile person and can’t be seen.”
    We recommend you request a private experience where you will walk the Labyrinth alone. A Blackout night – No phones, No media, No voyeurs. Just you and the priestesses. The tribute is 4 figures. On Level 1 & 2 nights, voyeurs will be masked the entire time.
  • Who can walk the Labyrinth?
    Everyone is eligible. There is an aptitude test to qualify your readiness for this adventure. You will complete this test after you request your ticket.
  • * What is a Tithe?
    A tithe is a financial offering to the Goddess. As a lead role in the Labyrinth, you are asked to make 2 financial offerings. One at the time of purchase, and the 2nd after your Labyrinth experience. Please make your second offering within 48 hours following the event. Voyeurs are also welcome to offer a tithe upon departure.
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