An Immersive theatre Experience

Live Performance Art
-Live Singer
-Fire Dancing
-High Level Dancer who
Performed with Lady Gaga

Conscious Dance Party
-Live DJ
-Sound Bath to close out the evening

Lounge Bar

This Halloween weekend, let the Siren's song seduce you to the gates of the Underworld
Surrender the layers of your ego to pass the Gatekeepers and reclaim your wild power.
Bring your fire to the Dragon Queen and dance your power ALIVE
And come back from the dead when you,
Enter The House of Hors.
A Labyrinth Journey
An interactive experience in an intimate group that dissolves the separation between the performers and the audience.
You will become part of the unfolding story of reclaiming your inner fire.
This is cutting-edge theatre where you don't take a seat but walk through the Chambers of the Labyrinth, each a world of their own, and interact with performers.
Journey through the layers of the Earth to meet the Dragon Queen at its fiery core.
This is an adventure through our Underworld Labyrinth: the House of Hors.

There are two ways to experience this show:
You will be the Hero/Heroine of the story.
You will be walking the Labyrinth and interacting with the priestesses you encounter within it.
You will be given tasks, challenges, and transmissions from the Goddess.
You will very much be part of this interactive experience.
2. As a VOYEUR
You will be walking alongside the lead player as they move through the labyrinth.
You will be dressed in your costume and masquerade masks.
As witnesses, you will receive the codes of what's transpiring before you by being present to it all.
And masqeurade ball
Join us for a David Bowie's Labyrinth (1986) inspired Masquerade Ball, a conscious Halloween party.
Our DJ will be spinning 80s-inspired music. There will be elixirs, cocktails and beer at the bar.
Dress up as your favourite Creature from the Heavenly Realms, Earthly Realms or Underworld.
Dress to express your Hidden Power.
There will be prizes for Best Costume and Best Mask.
To participate please bring a masquerade mask to wear or purchase one from us.
This experience is for anyone who wants to:

Do great things in the world
Access their power to create
Unlock and unleash themselves
Release the limitations of their Ego
Deepen their connection to a power greater than themselves
Be initiated into ancient mysteries and magic
Experience Heaven on Earth

A 1-night only experience in our Halloween Themed labyrinth.
OBJX Studio
100 Symes Rd Unit 200a (Enter through Door #2 Receiving)
Toronto, ON
M6N 5C9
GROUP 1 - 6 PM
GROUP 2 - 7:15 PM
GROUP 3 - 8:30 PM
You will be given an arrival time to enter the Labyrinth. Small bites & elixirs are available for purchase before and after your experience.
There will be performances in the lounge throughout the night.

Voyeurs | $75 | $100 at door
Lead Role | By Tithe*
Masquerade Ball | $35 | $50 at the door
Come Create Content
Tickets are $50
No Phones, No Media, No Voyeurs.
Tribute is 4 Figures
Inquire Here
inside the labyrinth

Those who have walked our Labyrinth describe it as
an unexpected journey of self-realization, growth & evolution.
Mind blown. Body blown. Soul blown.
I am lifted.
You have ascended me.
Had a truly special experience... such a unique portrayal of different facets of the divine feminine in balance and celebration of self and pleasure.
I've never heard or seen anything like it. It was weird, sexy, seductive, exciting, relaxing, and fun. It really hit like a wave of emotions.
So wonderful and well done. I had a great time with much depth, beauty and understanding.
A magical beautiful powerful savage intimate delicate awakening sensual loving night.

Immersive Theatre Temple
We train and educate Priestesses in the art of Sexual empowerment to liberate their expression & embody the shape of their Divinity.
Stay tuned for our next Training in early 2023
Content Creation Studio
An inspirational community space for content creators & artists to grow their craft and develop their ideas.

What is Ritual Theatre?Ritual theatre can be defined as “the enactment of a myth or archetypal story with the intention of bringing about healing”. Ritual theatre involves taking participants on a journey to experience the different faces and facets of themselves through the mythic adventures of monsters and heroes, gods and goddesses, angels and demons. Ritual theatre is an ancient form of healing which is still practiced today in earth-based and tribal cultures; it is finding a renaissance in the modern world. Ritual theatre allows us to explore parts of the collective unconscious, our psyches, and mythic realms which are difficult to express or explain in conscious terms. Shamanic Priestesses in ancient temples and nature’s sacred groves would don masks and costumes and embody different archetypes, elemental, animal, and cosmic. They would also channel messages from other realms as Oracle. Pilgrims who visited these temples or sites would be brought through transformational initiations with the temple priestesses. Temple dancers have been a part of Goddess temple life through the ages, transmitting the frequencies of Love, Beauty, and the Divine Mother. Their dances themselves were initiatory spiritual activations. In ritual theatre, we enact and embody the heavenly (superconscious realms) as well as the underworld (unconscious realms) and bring them to earth. In this is an inner marriage, a divine re-unification. As above, so below. As below, so above. A coming together of what is holy & divine, with what is physical & human. A reunification of spirit & sex. The world is starved for this. Quoted Source: https://ritualtheatre.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/what-is-ritual-theatre/
What is a Labyrinth?It is a continuous path with intricate passageways. With one way in and one way out, each Chamber evokes a different realm of the Goddess.
What is a Chamber?They are rooms you walk through in the Labyrinth. Each room contains a different initiation through immersive experiences where you get to live out your learned wisdom. Apply what you’ve learned, see where you’re at and how you do with challenges within a container crafted for your growth and evolution. It’s a self-affirming experience. As the lead role, you'll be directly experiencing & interacting with the goddesses you meet in the growth chambers. As a voyeur, you'll receive energetic transmissions through your role as a witness.
“I’m a high-profile person and can’t be seen.”We recommend you request a private experience where you will walk the Labyrinth alone. A Blackout night – No phones, No media, No voyeurs. Just you and the priestesses. The tribute is 4 figures. On Level 1 & 2 nights, voyeurs will be masked the entire time.
Who can walk the Labyrinth?Everyone is eligible. There is an aptitude test to qualify your readiness for this adventure. You will complete this test after you request your ticket.
* What is a Tithe?A tithe is a financial offering to the Goddess. As a lead role in the Labyrinth, you are asked to make 2 financial offerings. One at the time of purchase, and the 2nd after your Labyrinth experience. Please make your second offering within 48 hours following the event. Voyeurs are also welcome to offer a tithe upon departure.